Jerusalem Anthologia
Garrik Zilberman

Garrik Zilberman

Адрес для писем:

Garrik Zilberman
P. O. B. 32297,
Jerusalem 91322, Israel

972-77-2259404, 972-544-771306, 972-544-745322

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в Музее современных
израильских художников

Гаррик Зильберман родился в 1938 г. в Одессе. С 1941 г. жил в Узбекистане. Закончил Ташкентское художественное училище. Репатриировался в Израиль в 1996 г. Живет в Иерусалиме.

Гаррик Зильберман:
"Я не говорящий художник. Может быть, я потому и начал в пятом классе рисовать, что мне трудно было выражать свои мысли словами? "

    Персональные выставки:
    • 1981: Bakhor Art Center, Tashkent, USSR
    • 1983: Exhibition Hall, Cinema House, Tashkent, USSR
    • 1986: Exhibition Hall, Tashkent Drama Theater, Tashkent, USSR
    • 1986: Russia Exhibition Hall, Moscow, USSR
    • 1986: Kirov Exhibition Hall, Leningrad, USSR
    • 1989: Galerie Alexandre, Paris, France
    • 2004: "Time to Live", Exhibition Hall of the "Theatron Yerushalaim", Jerusalem, Israel
    • 2008: "Exhibition 70", Exhibition Hall of the "Jerusalem Culture Center", Jerusalem, Israel

    Групповые выставки:
    • 1965: Exhibition of Young Artists, Tashkent, USSR
    • 1967: Exhibition dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the USSR, Tashkent, USSR
    • 1968: Uzbekistan Art Exhibition, Frunze, USSR
    • 1972: Exhibition of Young Artists, Tashkent, USSR
    • 1974: Exhibition of Uzbekistan Artists, Moscow, USSR
    • 1975: Days of the USSR Culture, Belgium
    • 1975: Days of the USSR Culture, Sweden
    • 1977: Exhibition of Soviet Artists, Madame Nakamura Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
    • 1978: Days of the USSR Culture, Italy
    • 1978: Days of the USSR Culture, Finland
    • 1979: Days of the USSR Culture, Paris, France
    • 1980: Days of the USSR Culture, Western Berlin
    • 1981: Days of the USSR Culture, Senegal
    • 1981: Days of the USSR Culture, Vietnam
    • 1984: Uzbekistan Art Exhibition, Yugoslavia
    • 1996: "Music in Jerusalem", Exodus Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel
    • 1997: "New Works of Jerusalem Artists", Exhibition Hall, Communities House, Jerusalem, Israel
    • 2001: "Jerusalem Anthologia", Exhibition Hall of the "Theatron Yerushalaim", Jerusalem, Israel