Нажмите на выбранную картину, чтобы получить ее увеличенное изображение и данные
Courtyard of King David's Grave
Portrait of a Young Man
Courtyard of the Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem
Young Man with a Violin
On the Top of the Holy Sepulcher
Old City, Jerusalem
Western Wall with Dome on the Rock
Inside the Holy Sepulcher
Praying Jews
Old City of Jerusalem with the Dome on the Rock
Transibirian Railroad
Part of the Russian Compound, Jerusalem
Religious Jews in a Jerusalem Street
Religious Jews in Synagogue
Religious Jews in Synagogue
Inside the Russian Compound, Jerusalem
Old City, Jerusalem
Old City Market, Jerusalem
Praing at the Western Wall
Succoth in Mea Shearim
Shabbath Evening
© Карина Михаль. Все права защищены.
Images are not to be copied, used, transmitted, modified,
reproduced or published without the artist's written permission.